Thursday, March 24, 2016

Change makes change.

I recently noticed a meme that a friend posted on an online social network containing a photo of a treehouse and a statement written across saying: “I’m leaving society and going to live in a treehouse. Who’s with me?.”  I laughed at first, but then scrolled down to see the list of endless lemmings that were responding with a resounding “I would.”  I decided to, jokingly, write “No thanks. Having utilized an outhouse before, I love indoor plumbing too much to give it up.” This was met with a response from the group of unknowns, giving suggestions on how this problem could be solved. Inventive, yes, but hardly true solutions. And cutting a hole in the floor is absolutely NOT the equivalent.

This got me to thinking.  Why, if your plan is to leave society, would you include an invite for others to join?  Aren’t you just inviting the very same society along with you? It won’t really be the get-away you are hoping for if that happens. And where do you draw the line on who is invited? Social media by definition invites everyone to view and be included. If you say “I would only include the people I like.” aren’t you just emulating the very society you are claiming to leave behind? Put up a wall, a gate, a guard dog. Point your finger and say 'our anti-society is better than your society.’ if you wish, but a rose by any other name…

I think the creator of the meme, as well as my friend, need to realize that society isn’t what you endure, it’s what you make of it. If something ruffles your feathers, speak up. Leaving society doesn’t make change, CHANGE makes change. Protests are not the only way to bring about change. Write letters, sign petitions, volunteer. What I’d really like to see is a meme with an open door on a treehouse and the written word saying “I’m joining society.  Who’s with me?” Change makes change.